Creating Excellent Meetings
April 13, 2018
Friday, April 13, 2018 - 10:00am to 12:00pm
Loca tion:
252 Erickson Hall (or attend online)
Dr. John Tropman, Henry J. Meyer Collegiate Professor of Social Work Emeritus, University of Michigan
Have you ever attended a meeting and walked away feeling that nothing was accomplished or wondering what the point was? Have you e ver been a part of a team where decisions rarely get made and when they do , no one is quite sure what should happen next? Have you ever been in cha rge of leading a meeting and wondered how to make the time more effective? Our goal at this workshop is to help you produce high-level team impact, experience accomplishment-based meetings, and build high quality decisio ns.
Dr. Tropman will guide us in exploring decision making within the context of running efficient meetings and leading high-quality teams. Bas ed on research of the Meeting Masters Research Project at the University o f Michigan, participants will be provided with a conceptual framework for efficient meetings and learn the recipe for producing such meetings using a variety of techniques and best practices of people who run excellent me etings (where decisions are made, the decisions are of high quality, and people actually enjoy going!).
This two hour workshop provides trans formative tools such as The Agenda Bell, the menu agenda that helps you g et away from 'newsletter reporting meetings ' and actually enjoy accomplis hment at your meetings - whether they are a two person meeting or a weekly staff meeting. We will analyze 'Decision Avoidance Psychosis' (Zeno's Par adox), The 'Fire, Ready Aim' Syndrome, the Abilene Paradox, 'Decision Folly', and Groupthink, among popular examples of Decision Rottenosity.
Please register for this workshop at the link below: https://msu.co1
Grad School Events