Graduate Student Leadership Summit
November 7, 2015
Saturday, November 7, 2015 -
8:30am to 4:30pm
C20 Snyder/Phillips (Auditorium)
Leadership is an e ssential competency expected by all employers and held in high acclaim. In stitutions of higher education, corporations, agencies, professional or ganizations, and other employers are actively seeking advanced degree hol ders with strong, demonstrable leadership and management skills. However , the development of leadership is often neglected by most graduate studen ts as they face the many challenges of graduate school. There is an emphas is on why leadership is vital for future jobs, rather than on how a gradu ate student can develop their own leadership potential. The goal of the Le adership Summit is to rectify this problem and empower graduate students t o take a proactive approach to their leadership development so that they m ay make a difference in the classroom, community, university, and in th e world. The Graduate Leadership Summit is an intensive leadership confere nce where students will have the chance to learn about leadership from pro ven leaders in the areas of higher education, faculty, and government an d business sectors. This year’s event includes speakers, panelists, and break-sessions about leadership topics such as the T-shaped leader, socia l and emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, vision setting, inte rcultural communication, and leading in various contexts (academia, busi ness, STEM, government, etc.).
The Summit is a one day leadership conference put on by Graduate Student Life and Wellness, and it is the en try point for students interested in the additional leadership programming put on by Graduate Student Life and Wellness through their Leadership Ins titute and Academy. This year’s Summit is Sat. Nov 7th on the MSU campus in Snyder-Philips. The cost is $10, and breakfast and lunch is included. Check-in is from 8:30-9:00, and the event runs until 4:30. Highlights of the day include:
8:30-9:00 Check-in and breakfast
9:20-10:20 Keynote Speaker - Dr. Doug Estry, Associate Provost, --The T-shape Leader
10:30-12:00 Dr. Lew Dotterer – “Social and Emotional Intelligence: Leadership in Action”
12:00-1:00 Lunch, Networking (free)
1:00-2:00 Leading i n Context - Panel of PhD leaders in various fields (academic, business, stem, government
2:30-3:30 Break-out sessions on topics including conflict resolution (Dr. Tony Nunez), vison setting (Amber C ordell), Academic Leadership (Dr. Pero Dagbovie), Innovation and entrepr eneurship (Dr. Christine Geith); etc.
Grad School Even ts