International Graduate Admissions Session
January 29, 2018
Monday, January 29, 2018 - 3:00pm to 5:00pm
Loca tion:
110 Chittenden Hall, Room 110, 466 W. Circle Drive, East Lans ing MI 48824
AUDIENCE: Departmental Graduate Secretaries and Grad uate Program Directors
We will have our annual session on internation al graduate admissions on Monday, January 29th from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm in Chittenden Hall, Room 110.
Information on international education s ystems (specifically China and India) and credentials, fraudulent documen ts, international orientation and teaching assistantships, sponsored stu dents, the CDGDC process, as well as other topics will be covered.
Guide to International Graduate Admissions ( docx)
Required Documentation Checklist for International Applicants ( docx)
Procedures and Cost-Sharing Information (PDF)
Sponsored St udent Programs 2018 (docx)
Perfect CDGDC Packet (PDF)
Verificati on Process for Transcripts and Degrees from China (PDF)
International Sponsored Students by Nicole Namy and Robert Coffey (PPT)
MSU Admissions Presentation for Departments (PPT)
Grad School Events