Responsible Conduct of Research: Plagiarism
November 3, 2016
Thursday, November 3, 2016 -
6:00pm to 7:30pm
Room 103 Erickson Hall (the Kiva), 620 Farm Ln; East Lansi ng MI 48824
Plagiarism – stealing the work of another – is an inc reasing problem in the scholarly community. At MSU, this ranks as the #1 allegation of research misconduct. This session will aim to help you under stand what plagiarism means, how to test for it within your own work, ho w to discuss plagiarism, and where to go for advice on plagiarism. The pr imary principles covered within this session are plagiarism and conflict r esolution.
Additional information about the series can be found at ht tps://
Registration is required! You will need yo ur MSU Net ID to register. Register at: /Main/goto/RegisterCatalog?offeringId=class000000000001462&oneClickLearnin gON=true
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