Student Information System Town Hall Meeting
January 9, 2020
Thursday, January 9 , 2020 - 3:00pm to 4:30pm
Erickson Hall Kiva, Room 103
The Student Information System (SIS) Modernization Project is im plementing Campus Solutions at Michigan State University (MSU); the campu s community will begin to utilize the new system in March of 2020 with enr ollment activities for academic year 2020-21. As we approach this transiti on moment, we recognize the importance of answering the many questions ou r campus stakeholders have about how this new system will affect students , faculty, and staff.
The SIS Modernization Project Team invites the MSU campus community to join us for a Town Hall meeting:
Thursday, Jan. 9, 2020Erickson Hall Kiva, Room 1033 – 4:30 p.m.
Functional wo rkgroup leads from admissions, academic advising, campus community, ent erprise data warehouse (EDW), reporting, financial aid, the graduate sc hool, organizational change management, student financials and student r ecords will be present to answer your questions about Campus Solutions.
Tentative agenda includes:
Short presentation from Project leadersh ip, 15 minutes
Q&A from pre-submitted questions, 30 minutes
Open Q&A w ith attendees, 45 minutes
Please click here to register for the To wn Hall and submit your questions for the Project team ahead of time. If p articipation in person is not possible, we encourage your attendance via Zoom (Click to join Zoom meeting). We are also recording this session, so please submit questions even if you are not able to participate at the sc heduled time. Confirm your attendance and submit questions no later than T hursday, Jan. 2, 2020.
Thank you for your attention to this importa nt student success initiative.
Tom CooperProject Directorcoopert@msu. edu
Important Dates
Professional Development
Other Ev ents