Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Formatting Workshop
October 14, 2016
Friday, October 14, 2016 -
2:30pm to 3:30pm
Lo cation:
105 S. Kedzie, 368 Farm Ln, East Lansing MI 48824
T his one hour workshop is designed for 'Plan A' Master's students and all D octoral students who intend to graduate within the next two semesters. Du ring this workshop students will receive information regarding the followi ng: How to format their thesis or dissertation correctly, how to success fully submit their thesis or dissertation via ProQuest/UMI and how to succ essfully complete their degree requirements and receive their diploma. St udents are encouraged to review the Graduate School's Electronic Thesis an d Dissertation website at https://grad.msu.edu/etd/ where current informat ion about formatting and requirements is listed prior to attending the wor kshop.
This workshop is offered every semester, including Summer Sem ester.
Registration is required. Click here to register.
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Grad School Events