TA Institute - Mandatory Reporting Responsibilities Under the Unive rsity Policy on Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct
September 29, 2015
Tuesday, September 29, 2015 -
4:30pm to 6:00pm
110 Chittenden Hall, 466 W. Circle Dr.
In respon se to incidents of relationship violence and sexual misconduct on campuses nationally, the Office for Inclusion and Intercultural Initiatives and t he MSU Police Department will be offering a workshop to focus on the oblig ations that teaching assistants have to report incidences of relationship violence or sexual misconduct they become aware of in their roles a teachi ng assistants. In this workshop, staff from both the Office for Inclusio n and Intercultural Initiatives and the MSU Police will define different t ypes of violence and misconduct and discuss where and how to file reports. Most importantly, this workshop will provide TAs with the opportunity t o ask important questions about this new policy and how it may impact thei r work with students.
Grad School Events