Networking to Explore New Career Paths
January 20, 2018
Saturday, January 20, 2018 - 8:30am to 1:00pm
Lo cation:
MSU Union Ballroom; 49 Abbot Rd, East Lansing, MI 48824
Most jobs are found through networking and professional contacts. Ye t, few people learn how to effectively network as they explore new career paths. The “Networking to Explore New Careers” workshop will cover some b asic networking skills to help doctoral students and postdocs get started exploring possible careers. The workshop will include a “Networking 101” w orkshop, career panels (both STEM and Humanities), and a catered network ing lunch.
The Assistant Director for Career Development at the MSU College of Law, Mary Bowen, will facilitate a Networking 101 worksho p. The workshop will cover the purpose of networking, how to introduce yo urself and start a conversation, how to follow up after meeting a new con tact, and other etiquette and tips for professional networking.
In addition, there will be a STEM career panel and a Humanities career panel. Each panel will have PhDs with experiences in industry, government , non-profit, or other job sectors. The panelist will share their own ex periences finding careers outside of academia and will answer questions fr om the audience.
There is a $10 fee required to participate in t his workshop. A link to payment information will be provided in the confir mation email you will receive upon registration. Failure to pay this fee w ill result in your registration being dropped.
Questions: hirea
Grad School Events