MSU Postdoctoral Association

About Us

The MSU-PDA is the entire community of postdoctoral scholars here at Michigan State University.

The MSU-PDA Steering Committee is a group of postdoc volunteers, whose mission is to:

  1. Act as a liaison between MSU postdocs and MSU administration.
  2. Work with the MSU Office of Postdoctoral Affairs to promote and provide opportunities for career and professional development of postdocs at MSU.
  3. Disseminate information relevant to MSU postdocs.
  4. Organize opportunities for interactions between MSU postdocs.
  5. Provide representation & a collective voice to address the concerns and advocate for the needs of MSU postdocs. 

If you are interested in volunteering in the MSU-PDA Steering Committee, contact us!

Contact Us

General Inquiries

News & Events You Want Us to Share


Send us your feedback. We appreciate it.
