Banishing Burnout: What Happy and Well Balanced Graduate Students K now
February 24, 2016
Wednesday, February 24, 2016 -
6:00pm to 8:00pm
6 Student Services
In the fast paced world of gra duate school, where stress is a regular aspect of student life, it is ea sy to get overwhelmed, burned out, and lose your psychological and emoti onal stability. Wellness is defined as an overall feeling produced by a h ealthy balance of your mind, body, and spirit and as a constant, consci ous, and evolving pursuit to live your life to your fullest potential, i n all possible respects. Wellness allows us to pursue our goals, whether academic, professional, or personal, with freedom and clarity. It gro ws our happiness, self-esteem, and ultimately, our success.
The an cient Chinese Proverb states that 'tension is who you think you should be , relaxation is who you are.' It has also been said that 'a journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step' (Lao-Tzu). In this presenta tion, students will be shown how to take steps towards investing in their wellness and how to effectively manage stress while in graduate school an d beyond. Students will also practice a variety of stress relieving techn iques, including visualization, mindfulness mediation, creative problem solving, and journal writing.
Grad School Events