Building Capacity for Emotional Wellness in Graduate School
October 26, 2016
Wednesday, October 26, 2016 -
6:00pm to 8:00pm
110 Chittenden Hall, 466 W. Circle Dr, East Lansing MI 4 8824
It is not uncommon for graduate students to experience some anxiety and depression while completing their degree. Balancing personal , family, work, and academic responsibilities can feel overwhelming at t imes. In order to thrive in your graduate school experience it is helpfu l to be able to quickly assess your emotional health status and use this data to regain your emotional balance so you can move through your to do l ist effectively. This course will help you understand the importance of em otional wellness, help you see the connection between emotional health an d optimal performance, and provide you with the basic emotional wellness tools to help you be more resilient and effective in all the important are as of your life. The class will incorporate basic principles of healthy human psychological functioning, as well as the core concepts of Acceptan ce Commitment Theory (ACT), and a brief introduction to Shame Resilience Theory (SRT). Students MUST attend all three sessions 10/19/16, 10/26/16 , and 11/2/16.
Registration is required. See entry on October 19 on Grad School Events Calendar for registration information.
Grad School Events