Certification in College Teaching Spring Institute
May 12, 2016 – May 13, 2016
Thursday, May 12, 2016 – 9:00am to Friday, May 1 3, 2016 – 2:00pm
MSU Union Ballroom
Fee: $20
Materials for the 2016 Certification in College Teaching Institute
Date Information: This is a two day workshop. 5/12/16 from 9am – 5pm and 5/13/16 from 9am – 2pm.
The Graduate School invites you to an intens ive program on May 12th and 13th that will help fulfill the workshop porti on of the requirements for the MSU Certification
in College Teaching (CCTP). Over the course of two days, featured speakers will focus on te aching with technology, assessing student learning outcomes, creating ef fective learning environments through writing, and developing teaching po rtfolios for different kinds of academic institutions. Through a combinat ion of interactive group sessions and focused breakouts, you will gain sk ills in core competency areas of the Certification, plan a mentored teach ing project, and develop the template for your final portfolio.
Th e Certification is designed for doctoral students and postdocs preparing t o become faculty members in a college or university. The CCTP culminates in an e-portfolio that will help students prepare for academic job intervi ews and plan for their professional development as early career faculty. Doctoral students who successfully complete all requirements will receive a designation of the Certification on their MSU transcript. For more deta ils about the certification program, go to the Certification in College T eaching Institute webpage
Other Teaching Resources for Graduate Stude nts and Postdocs
Registration is Closed.
Grad Scho ol Events