Community-Engaged Scholarship Write-Ins
October 7, 2016
Friday, October 7, 2016 -
9:00am to 12:00pm
Lo cation:
Brody Cafeteria, Large Conference Room
Are you worki ng on an outreach or engagement journal article, grant proposal, book ch apter, thesis, dissertation, curriculum, or portfolio? Join us on the first Friday of each month for three hours of dedicated writing time to ad vance your community-engaged scholarship.
Participants should plan to write for the full time period and bring their own laptops. Write-Ins s tart with introductions, with participants sharing their writing goals fo r the day. Write-Ins end with a progress report, next steps, and lunch. Refreshments are available throughout the Write-Ins.
Write-Ins are free, but registration is required. When you register, please request ei ther the quiet writing room, the collaborative writing room, or a one-on -one feedback session from University Outreach and Engagement staff.
Sponsored by: University Outreach and Engagement, Academic Advancement Network, the Writing Center, The Graduate School
To register, clic k here.
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