Developing Your Written Credentials and Preparing Application Mater ials with Integrity: CV's, Cover Letters, and More
October 7, 2015
Wednesday, October 7, 2015 -
6:30pm to 8:00pm
110 Chittenden Hall, 466 W. Circle Dr.
In developi ng your written credentials and preparing application materials for the ac ademic job search, it is crucial to represent your professional experienc e, accomplishments, expertise, and qualities with integrity in the mos t persuasive manner possible. This workshop is designed to help Ph.D. stu dents learn how to present their written credentials and application mater ials in the strongest possible manner and to provide insight from the pers pective of the search committee. Learn what the search committee is looki ng for and how to write your way into an interview. Participants should b ring a copy of the curriculum vitae.
Grad School Events