Focus and Finish: Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation
January 27, 2016
Wednesday, January 27, 2016 –
6:00pm to 8:00pm
Student Services Building room 6
In this workshop , graduate students will be introduced to the practice of meditation as a holistic stress management tool and how to use the Mindfulness Based Stre ss Reduction (MBSR) methods of Jon Kabat-Zinn, a well-known Mindfulness i nstructor and author of Full Catastrophe Living, Coming to Our Senses, a nd Where Ever You Go, There You Are. What is mindfulness? “Be fully prese nt in the moment, non-judgmentally” best describes mindfulness, which le ads to increased awareness of bodily apprehension, tension, and pressure . Mindfulness principles facilitate settling down into ‘being’ rather tha n simply existing because of the endless ‘doing’ that seems so predominant in our lives. This workshop is designed to help you learn how to practice meditation and how to use mindfulness meditation as a tool for focusing o n and finishing your graduate degree. After participating in the workshops you will have:• Learned how to use meditation for stress reduction purpos es • Learned the essential posture technique necessary for sitting meditat ion • Increased awareness of bodily cues which signal the presence of stre ss and anxiety • Improved your ability to lessen and/or release internally held pressure and tension • Learned Breath Awareness techniques as the be st way to be brought into the present momentResearch indicates that most p eople who engage in Mindfulness Based Stress Reductions feel:• Lasting dec reases in symptoms (sleep difficulties for example) • Increased ability to relax • Greater energy and enthusiasm for life • Improved self-esteem • A bility to cope more effectively with both short and long-term stressful si tuations
Grad School Events