GradInfo/GradPlan/GradAudit/Degree Audit Training Session
March 27, 2018
Tuesday, March 27, 2018 - 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Locat ion:
110 Chittenden Hall
This session on GradInfo, GradPlan , GradAudit and Degree Audit is for Departmental Graduate Secretaries and Graduate Program Directors. The session will provide an overview of the fo ur systems, covering system navigation, data entry, and common problems .
GradInfo is a system for collecting and retrieving information on a ll graduate programs, and it is used as a primary source of data for Acad emic Program Review. Access to GradInfo is granted via college security of ficers, but access is NOT REQUIRED for attendance.
GradPlan is the w eb-interactive system for Ph.D. students to create, store, and/or view p rior Ph.D. Degree Plans and update their post-degree placement information . GradPlan replaces the Report of the Guidance Committee and is the path a nd process for final degree certification.
GradAudit extends GradPlan functionality to include a series of modules related to requirement compl etion, which includes automation of tasks pertaining to Comprehensive Exa ms, Dissertation Defense, and various Approvals leading to final degree certification, among others.
Degree Audit is an online degree certif ication tool to bring the Student Information System (SIS) data, GradPlan Audit milestones, and Department and College level user inputs together into the Electronic Student Academic Folder (ESAF) to confer Ph.D. Degrees .
Deb Johnson, Registrar’s OfficeMelissa Del Rio, Grad uate School Deanne Hubbell, Graduate School Logan O’Neil, Graduate Schoo l
Cost: Free Registration: Not Required
Please contact Deanne Hubbel l or Logan O’Neil at the Graduate School with any questions or concerns ab out the training.
Grad School Events