Healthy Productivity
September 18, 2015
Friday, September 18, 2015 –
10:00am to 11:30am
110 Chittenden Hall, 466 W. Circle Dr.
Motivatio n is the capacity to organize and act in the service of achieving an outco me, and it is essential for success in graduate school. But the way we m otivate ourselves has very real consequences for both our health and well- being and for the quality of the work that we produce.
This talk wi ll focus on the following key themes:
· Identifying and defini ng different types of motivation
· Discussing how motivation a ffects the work we produce
· Investigating how motivation can impact health and well-being
· Examining the interplay between these factors—motivation, work, and health and well-being—especially as they relate to graduate work
· Identifying strategies to cult ivate and maintain healthy forms of motivation
Grad Sch ool Events