Navigating the MA
January 26, 2018
Friday, January 26, 2018 – 9:00am to 1:00pm
Loca tion:
315 Bessey Hall
In this 3-hour workshop, the focus wil l be on understanding the transition from undergraduate to graduate school , navigating the master’s degree coursework and graduation options (thesi s, exams, portfolios, etc.), locating and using professional and perso nal support resources, and writing for degree and future job requirements . Participants will create academic timelines for their master’s work (cou rsework, conference presentations, internships, etc.) at MSU, and disc uss technologies and habits that can help them stay on task. Participants will also discuss how to manage the stress that often pervades the life of master’s students, and how to select and work with a committee. The work shop will end by having participants explore and share their current writi ng practices, and writing and revision strategies, as well as sharing st rategies for overcoming writer’s block and procrastination.
Registrat ion for this workshop is required. Registration will open on January 1st.
*A pizza lunch will be served at this workshop. If you have any diet ary restrictions please let us know by responding to the confirmation emai l you receive.
Grad School Events