May 9, 2018 – May 10, 2018
Wednesday, May 9, 2018 - 8:30am to Thursday, May 1 0, 2018 - 12:00pm
Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center, Mi chigan State University; 55 South Harrison Ave, East Lansing, MI 48824
Attention: Faculty, Academic Staff, Grant Support Staff and Graduate Students
Proposals submitted to the National Science Foundat ion are evaluated on both intellectual merit and broader impacts (BI)—how the proposed research will benefit society and contribute to the achieveme nt of specific, desired societal outcomes. Broader impacts activities sho w the relevance of the research to the public—and increasingly determine w hich of multiple excellent proposals get funded.
This two-day worksho p (full day on day 1 and half day on day 2) will be facilitated by consult ants from the NSF-funded National Alliance for Broader Impacts (NABI).
Sessions will cover:
BI fundamentals and plan development for investi gators and grant support staff
BI in the NSF process, with Dr. Suzi Iaco no, Head of NSF's Office of Integrative Activities
Find Your BI Partner lunch
Building BI into your career plan
BI evaluation with Dr. Lori Wi ngate of The Evaluation Center at Western Michigan University
Broader par ticipation from underrepresented groups
Leave these sessions with i deas, resources, pathways to partners, and a more fully developed BI pl an for your proposal.
Register Here
Sponsored by: University Outreac h and Engagement, Office of Undergraduate Education, Office of the Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies, The Graduate School, Academ ic Advancement Network, Science + Society @ State (S3), College of Agric ulture and Natural Resources, MSU Extension, AgBioResearch, MSU Center for Interdisciplinarity, College of Education, College of Social Science , College of Natural Science, College of Communication Arts and Sciences , Communications and Brand Strategy
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