OISS Orientation Schedule Spring 2018
January 4, 2018
Thursday, January 4, 2018 - 1:00pm
International Center Room 115
2018 Spring Semester Internationa l Academic Orientation Program (IAOP)
All IAOP presentations are REQU IRED for undergraduate students on F-1 and J-1 visas and are recommended f or graduate students. Immigration check-in is required for undergraduate a nd graduate students on F-1/J-1 visas!
1:00 pm
Registration for Undergraduate Students
1:15 pm
Welcome and Announcements
1:30 p m
Laws and Safety Presentation
1:50 pm
U.S. Culture Presentation
2:30 pm
Healthcare and Health Insurance Presentation
3:15 pm
Im migration Basics Presentation
3:45 pm
Immigration check-in*: Bring your original passport and I-20 or DS2019!
*(Required for und ergraduate and graduate students on F-1/J-1 Visas)
Please contact Amb er Cordell (amberc@msu.edu) in OISS with any questions about the event.
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