Optimizing Mentoring Relationships to Promote Diversity and Researc h Excellence
June 8, 2018
Friday, June 8, 2018 - 9:30am to 3:30pm
Location :
Centennial Rooms A, B, C, Kellogg Center
The Graduate Sc hool and Postdoctoral Office at Michigan State invites graduate students a nd postdoctoral fellows to gather for a day of conversation about how to o ptimize research mentoring relationships. This event is generously support ed by the NIH's National Research Mentoring Network and the Big Ten Academ ic Alliance.
Attendees will:
discuss challenges they face and str ategies they utilize as research mentors and mentees
engage in self-asses sment to identify the domains of professional development in which they bo th feel comfortable mentoring and need mentoring
learn about evidence-bas ed practices they may employ in their roles as mentors and mentees.
Registration is required. Lunch will be provided.
Update 6/5/18: Re gistration is closed.
Grad School Events