Practical Approaches to Integrating Different Ways of Knowing in Co mmunity- University Partnerships
March 23, 2018
Friday, March 23, 2018 - 8:30am to 10:00am
Locat ion:
Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center, Michigan State University; 5 5 South Harrison Ave, East Lansing, MI 48824
Any successful response to a co mplex problem will acknowledge the different ways in which stakeholder com munities know about the challenge. If such a response is to be inclusive a nd just, it must integrate these different ways of knowing so that stakeh olders recognize how it aligns with their core beliefs and values. Univers ity faculty and staff involved in creating community-university partnershi ps for community-engaged research, teaching, or service frequently find themselves in the challenging position of attempting to foster dialogue an d coordinated action across partners’ different ways of knowing, with lit tle guidance on the techniques and tools for bridging different ways of kn owing.
This panel will address the challenge of knowledge integration , focusing on how specific tools and approaches (e.g., structured dialog ue, participatory modeling, etc.) can be used to coordinate different wa ys of knowing. Focusing on concrete problems involving different ways of k nowing, panelists from the Community Sustainability and Philosophy Depart ments will discuss specific ways of integrating knowledge to support susta inable responses. Participants will come away from the session with an und erstanding of practical tools for integrating knowledge across different w ays of knowing.
To register, visit:
Sponso red by: Community Evaluation and Research Collaborative, MSU Center for I nterdisciplinarity, Department of Community Sustainability Graduate Stude nt Organization
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