RCR: Record Keeping, Data Management, and Sharing of Information
November 11, 2015
Wednesday, November 11, 2015 -
6:00pm to 7:30pm
Room 103 Erickson Hall (the Kiva) 620 Farm Ln; East Lans ing MI 48824
Responsible Conduct of Research
Record Keeping, Data M anagement, and Sharing of Information
Wednesday, November 11, 20 156:00 - 7:30 pmErickson Hall Kiva, Room 103620 Farm LnEast Lansing MI 48 824
Slides from 11/11/15 Workshop (PDF)
Pre-Workshop Readings
O n Being a Scientist: A Guide to Responsible Conduct in Research: Third Edi tion The Treatment of Data (page 8)
MSU Research & Scholarly Integrity Re sources Management of Research Data
Pre-Workshop Tasks
Will be assigned by email prior to the Workshop.
Guidelines in Research and Creative Activities
Export Controls and Trade Sanctions
Con flicts of Interest
Procedures Concerning Allegations of Misconduct in Res earch and Creative Activities
Research Data: Management, Control, and A ccess
Prior Registration is Required for all RCR Workshops!
Plea se go to https://o.grad.msu.edu/rcrRegistration/ and follow the directions for registering through the Graduate School’s on-line Registration System .
Grad School Events