RCR Virtual Session: Being an Early Career Scholar
September 9, 2015
Wednesday, September 9, 2015 - 5:00pm
Each department/program has different requirements in RCR education for their trainees. This first session of RCR is to have you fi nd resources that will be available and helpful to you during your tenure at MSU, as well as find out definitively what your individual RCR require ments are within your department. The goal of this session is to have you spend some time outside, rather that inside, the classroom finding these documents, and sites that provide information to which you should refer throughout your training at MSU by filling out and submitting, for credit , a Scavenger Hunt for Being an Early Career Scholar. Additionally, some of the things requested on this hunt will help set you up for future RCR series.In late August, you will be sent information for the Scavenger Hun t. The Scavenger Hunt due Wednesday, September 9, 2015.
Grad School Events