Spartan Innovations Venture Fellows Information Session
May 13, 2016
Friday, May 13, 2016 - 12:30pm
BPS 1420
The Venture Fellows program assists in launching s tartup companies based on inventions by MSU faculty, staff and graduate s tudents and to provide graduate students experience in technology commerci alization. The program runs from September through the end of April. Fello ws will have a direct impact on scaling MSU technology for commercializati on and have access to top-ranked faculty as well as industry experts. Fell ows are grouped in teams of three – a business student and two STEM studen ts – who are responsible for developing and executing a plan for moving th e technology towards commercialization.
The projects will be selecte d from the pipeline of MSU technologies currently being commercialized. Wh ile there is a general alignment of people to projects based on their area of study, the technical background of the Fellows has little relevance s ince the focus is on commercial development. Therefore, graduate students from a range of disciplines and experience levels are encouraged to apply . Past projects have included development of a roadside testing device for THC, commercialization of a repurposed drug for the treatment of tubercu losis and product/market definition of a wearable device for measuring hum an interaction.
Graduates to have completed their co urse work for their PhD, preferably finished comprehensive exams but at l east a year from completing their dissertation
Preference for students i n life sciences, physical sciences, computer science and communications
Commitment of 8 to 10 hours a week
Weekly team progress meetings with t he Program Director
Monthly group meeting
Paid a fellowship of $6,500 in addition to existing support
Unparalleled experience with an experienced team of entrepreneurs and venture capitalists
Applications for the 2016/17 Venture Fellows program will be accepted until June 30, 2016 at:
If you have questions regarding the program, please contact the program director:Andrew McColm Managing Director – Venture CreationO. 517-884-4542 C. 734-748-7859 asmc
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