What To Do with YOUR Science Ph.D.
March 20, 2018
Tuesday, March 20, 2018 - 9:00am to 11:30am
Loca tion:
Chittenden Hall Lounge (Basement)
In this session, thr ee women with science Ph.D.s will talk about their diverse career paths: H ow they started, where they ended up, and what they learned along the wa y. Alison Bernstein, Ph.D., will discuss her transition from a Ph.D in N euroscience to her current role as Assistant Professor of Translational Sc ience and Molecular Medicine at MSU, where her lab studies Parkinson’s di sease. Anastasia Bodnar, Ph.D., is Policy Director of Biology Fortified , Inc., and has a Ph.D. in Genetics. Layla Katiraee, Ph.D., has her deg ree in human molecular genetics and has worked in biotech, specializing i n Next Generation Sequencing product development.
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