Work/Life Panel: Loving Your Work and Your Family (and not always i n that order)
March 20, 2018
Tuesday, March 20, 2018 – 2:30pm to 4:00pm
Locat ion:
110 Chittenden Hall
Alison Bernstein, Anastasia Bodnar , Layla Katiraee, Natalie Newell, Kavin Senapathy, and Jenny Splitter.
Collectively, they are the cast and director of Science Moms, a d ocumentary that tells the story of their efforts to encourage people to u se science in their parenting decisions.
These women are all moms, with full time jobs: as freelance science writers, documentary filmmakers , science researchers, faculty members…they also put themselves out th eir for the public: and not everyone agrees with what they have to say. Wh at would you do if your work went viral, and people you’ve never met star ted criticizing your personal decisions?
This is perfect for anyone who wants to make sure they get the most out of their work and the best ou t of their life. It’s not just for moms!
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