Prospective Postdocs

learn about opportunities available at MSU


Michigan State University has an incredible research enterprise with over 600 postdocs performing scholarly activities throughout the many departments in our diverse colleges. Most of our postdocs are hired as Research Associates, and treated as part of our academic staff, which also includes faculty, specialists, librarians, instructors and other appointments. The best way to find available opportunities to pursue advanced training is to follow these guidelines:

Career Database

  • Use Careers @ MSU to find a position that fits your background
  • At MSU, Postdocs are classified as Academic Staff and (most often) given the title of “Research Associate-Fixed Term” 

MSU Faculty

  • Use the MSU Scholars site to search our faculty database and learn about our research that will match your interests
  • Explore department and college websites to learn about programs and opportunities
  • Search through the careers database for open positions that match with your experience and desired department

Job Spotlights

Highlighting open postdocs positions

Post doctoral Position Post-Doctoral…

About East Lansing

Academic Features

Research Centers

Michigan State University offers a multitude of state of the art research facilities. “The university attracts and welcomes an international community of outstanding graduate students, postdoctoral associates, and faculty visitors to a broad range of highly ranked graduate programs, research centers, and interdisciplinary collaborations.”

Career Services Network

Michigan State offers a fantastic career network that can prepare anyone for their job search. With tailored specialists for the different colleges on campus, every group can find help on their journey. The career services network hosts various career fairs, networking events, mock interviews, and more!

MSU Community

Shops on Grand River

Grand River is a highlight to East Lansing’s community. There are so many shops and restaurants to choose from on the strip, everyone can find their niche! The student bookstore is a great place to get spirit wear and textbooks. Target is right down the street for all of your needs! Exploring Grand River is a great way to spend your free time after classes with your peers.

Community Events & Landmarks

Michigan State’s campus is home to various activities. Spectate athletic events, stroll through the gardens, or grab an iconic grilled cheese at the Dairy Store. There are tons of places to explore in East Lansing with friends and family!
