Cell Bio 2022 Travel Grants
/in Newsletter, OPA News /by Jenna LeeCell Bio 2022 Travel Grants
Upcoming Deadline October 14
The Cell Bio 2022 Travel Grants deadline is approaching!
The travel grant, sponsored by IPERT/NIH, is a MAC grant for underrepresented minorities. These grants cover up to $1,800 depending on existing funding applicant must attend the meeting.
Eligibility: Junior faculty, postdocs, graduate students, and undergraduate students who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents.
Application requirements: Abstract submission/number, CV, letter of recommendation from advisor (letters for undergraduate, graduate and postdocs only)
We ask for your support in getting the word out by sharing with labs and colleagues to promote these opportunities. The deadline to apply for all these grants is October 14, 2022. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me directly at cmartin@ascb.org. Thank you!
Other ASCB Opportunities
Abstract submission and registration are open!
Submit an abstract Last chance to submit an abstract to give a poster presentation at Cell Bio 2022. Deadline to submit is October 11, 2022.
New! Request a coupon code to receive free abstract submission to the Scholarship of Diversity poster topic. This topic covers the impact of diversity on research quality and productivity; evidence-based approaches to improve recruitment and retention in the biomedical research workforce; individual and institutional barriers to workforce diversity; and scaling and dissemination of strategies for eliminating barriers to career transitions.
Familycare GrantsApplications are now open and approved applications will be reimbursed for childcare expenses to attend the ASCB 2022 Cell Bio. The deadline for the Familycare Grant is October 14. More info/Apply
Call for 2023 Council and Committee Applicants
ASCB seeks energetic, inclusive, and innovative members to volunteer for an ASCB committee or to be a candidate for ASCB Council. Applications will be accepted between September 15 and October 15. Learn more/Apply
STEM Society Town Hall Discussions
Join the virtual ACCESS LED-BIO STEM Society Town Hall and, over three days, help crowdsource solutions to three persistent challenges preventing inclusive scientific societies: lack of membership demographic data, lack of integration of scientists in transition, and lack of diversity in leadership ranks. Funded by National Science Foundation and hosted by the Marine Biological Laboratory. October 26-28, 10-12pm EDT each day. More info/Register
Poster Judge Signup for Judged Poster Session
The ASCB Minorities Affairs and Education Committees are looking for judges for the Poster Competition that will be held on Saturday, December 3, 2022, from 10:00 am-12:30 pm. There will be 80-120 posters to judge, and each judge will review two to four posters per session. We ask that all judges arrive by 9:30 am. Please click here to view the judging rubric. If you are interested in judging, please complete the application. Poster Judge applications close November 7, 2022. You must be registered for the Cell Bio 2022 annual meeting to be eligible to be a poster judge.
PAIR-UP Imaging Science Program for Black Imaging Scientists
The PAIR-UP Imaging Science Program is a consortium of Black Imaging Scientists who use/build/support advanced imaging techniques in the biomedical sciences. Please visit the PAIR-UP website to register for membership in PAIR-UP. Learn more about upcoming PAIR-UP Workshop here.
Eligibility: It is free to join. Program activities and research opportunities will be shared with all who register for PAIR-UP. There are two member categories: 1) Participants: Black scientists who use/develop imaging systems and process/analyzes images to extract information or 2) Affiliates: individuals who support the goals of PAIR-UP to advance imaging research.
Participants and mentors needed for grant writing training
ASCB’s Faculty Research and Education Development Mentoring Program (aka FRED) provides year-long individualized feedback on grant proposals for senior postdocs and junior faculty from backgrounds underrepresented in STEM or at minority-serving institutions. We seek participants and mentors for this highly successful program. Apply by March 24, 2023. More info/Apply
NPAW Photos
/in Newsletter, OPA News /by Jenna LeeOur Mission
To enhance the Postdoctoral experience at Michigan State University providing leadership, support and structured training.
Contact Us
W101 Owen Graduate Hall
735 E. Shaw Lane
East Lansing, MI 48825