Annual International Scholar Showcase: In Pictures
Friday, April 5
Room 2130
STEM Building
Friday, April 5
Room 2130
STEM Building
The advanced molecular science courses are targeted toward senior graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and young faculty who are interested in advancing their knowledge to become leaders in their fields. Individuals who have a fundamental understanding of biology, chemistry, and physics will get the most from one of these intensive courses. Instruction will be given by world class faculty from universities within the Great Lakes region, beginning with the basic fundamentals and incorporating cutting edge applications and instrumentation.
Stem Cell and Organoid Biology (June 21-25)
Advanced Molecular Imaging (June 24-27)
Advanced Microscopy (June 25-28)
More details and registration here.
The Journal of Life Sciences (JoLS), a Postdoc community initiative, is launching a new initiative, JoLS-Pub, which aims to publish author-written summaries of research articles published in all life sciences domains. JoLS-Pub is a direct-to-public publishing platform for scientists to communicate the significance of their published research in layperson’s terms to the public – the indirect funders of most scientific research and the direct beneficiaries of its outcomes.
By communicating their published research via JoLS-Pub article summaries, scientists and trainees can help cultivate a scientifically informed public and minimize the propagation of misinformation arising from inaccurate interpretation of published research by non-scientist intermediaries on social media platforms. Essentially, JoLS-Pub’s key mission is to provide an accessible and peer-verified platform for scientists around the world to engage the public via JoLS-Pub summaries of every scientific article published with a PubMed ID.
JoLS is inviting POSTDOCS to review the author-written summaries submitted to JoLS-Pub. This is a great opportunity for researchers in different stages of training and career development to promote scholarship in their domain of research expertise and, importantly, also gain valuable editorial experience and effective science communication skills.
If this sounds appealing, please register with JoLS furnishing all the required information. Profiles of all reviewers will be showcased on the portal.
Briefly, the preparation and review of the JoLS-Pub article summaries will adhere to the format and guidelines described below:
1. The authors will prepare a summary (2000-word limit) describing their most recent published work in a language that accommodates a wider audience. Inclusion of Illustrations/graphical abstracts are strongly recommended. The authors’ photos (headshot) and a brief description of research interests should accompany each article submission.
2. Three members of the JoLS-Pub editorial team—led by a postdoc and composed of a graduate and an undergraduate student—will review each submitted article summary. A review report will be sent (within 3 weeks post submission) to the authors to help finalize a publication-ready version.
As all JoLS-Pub submissions will be reviewed by a 3-member team led by a postdoc, this is also a timely mentoring opportunity for you (postdocs) to inform and guide the graduate students and undergraduate trainees in your labs to join you as JoLS-Pub editorial team members. Interested grads and undergrads are encouraged to register with JoLS.
The MSU Graduate School shares monthly events for professional development.
Check here the upcoming events in the calendar.
To enhance the Postdoctoral experience at Michigan State University providing leadership, support and structured training.
W101 Owen Graduate Hall
735 E. Shaw Lane
East Lansing, MI 48825
Register now for a Postdoc Orientation!
Room 1425 BPS at 10:30 am on every 3rd Tuesday of the month.
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