Balancing Two Careers: Partners with PhDs Inside and Outside the Ac ademy
February 1, 2018
Thursday, February 1, 2018 - 5:00pm to 6:50pm
Lo cation:
110 Chittenden Hall
Doctoral programs are the first s tage in a long professional career; preparing for that career requires no t just disciplinary training, but also the development of a range of skil ls necessary to adapt to professional and personal changes. That becomes e ven more complicated when you are planning a career together with a partne r, and you face not only the demands of graduate school, but choices abo ut career trajectories, options, and opportunities. Whose job opportunit ies will take priority at a given moment? How do you negotiate options for two people that will complement each person’s training and expertise?
This workshop will feature a panel of partners that have navigated these challenges and opportunities. They will talk candidly about the choices t hey have made in conducting job searches, considering career choices and decisions, and balancing family and career. How do you achieve a workable balance between your personal and professional life? How do working profe ssional deal productively with setbacks, life changes, and competing pri orities? What kind of planning can you do now to avoid emotional, physica l, and financial burnout? What does it take to develop a sustainable care er in graduate school and beyond? What questions should you be asking empl oyers and each other as you plan for your short and long term futures?
Registration for this workshop is required. Registration will open on 1/ 1/18.
Grad School Events