Banishing Burnout in Graduate School: What Happy and Successful Gra duate Students Know
September 22, 2016
Thursday, September 22, 2016 -
6:00pm to 8:00pm
110 Chittenden Hall, 466 W. Circle Dr, East Lansing MI 4 8824
In the fast paced world of graduate school, where stress is a regular aspect of student life, it is easy to get overwhelmed, burned out, and lose your psychological and emotional stability. Wellness is de fined as an overall feeling produced by a healthy balance of your mind, b ody, and spirit and as a constant, conscious, and evolving pursuit to l ive your life to your fullest potential, in all possible respects. Welln ess allows us to pursue our goals, whether academic, professional, or p ersonal, with freedom and clarity. It grows our happiness, self-esteem, and ultimately, our success. The ancient Chinese Proverb states that “t ension is who you think you should be, relaxation is who you are.” It ha s also been said that “a journey of a thousand miles must begin with a sin gle step.” (Lao-Tzu). In this presentation, students will be shown how t o take steps towards investing in their wellness and how to effectively ma nage stress while in graduate school and beyond. Students will also pract ice a variety of stress relieving techniques, including how to set health y boundaries, visualization, mindfulness meditation, creative problem s olving, and journal writing.
This workshop is full and registration is closed.
Grad School Events