International Graduate Admission Session for Departmental Staff
January 19, 2017
Thursday, January 19, 2017 -
8:30am to 11:00am
Kellogg Center, Room 105 A/B
International Graduate Student Admissions
8:30 International Grad Student Admissions: An Ov erview (Patrick Leahy, Renee Irrer)
8:45 International Credentials and Education in China and India (Education Perspectives - Bernard Ramos)
9:45 Chinese students and the CDGDC Process (Patrick Leahy)
1 0:00 Sponsored International Students (Nicole Namy, Robert Coffey)
10:15 International Orientations (Amber Cordell, Melissa McDaniels)
10:30 Q and A
11:00 Adjourn
Required Documentati on Checklist for International Applicants (docx)
New policy guidance affecting provisional admission of students and the issuing of I-20s
Sponsored Student Programs 2017
Perfect CDGDC Packet (PDF)
Verif ication Process for Transcripts and Degrees from China (PDF)
Presentation s
International Credentials, China and India by Bernard Ramos (PDF)
International Sponsored Students by Nicole Namy and Robert Coffey (P PT)
MSU Admissions Presentation for Departments (PPT)
Category :
Important Dates
Grad School Events