Happy 2023
/in Newsletter, OPA News /by Aaron ReiflerI’d like to wish all of our MSU Postdocs a very happy New Year, and I hope that everyone is staying healthy and finding ways to recharge. There are a lot of events around campus that may be of interest that will be noted in the newsletters and on Teams, as well as some very positive developments in terms of policies and benefits that directly affect our postdocs. One item that stands out is a new policy, in effect from the beginning of this month, that makes all Research Associates eligible for retirement matching from the start of their appointments. For every dollar you contribute to a retirement savings, MSU will contribute two dollars, up to 5% of your gross salary! While this does not compare to some dramatic raises in minimum salaries at some institutions, it does bring overall compensation packages much more in line with national levels, and as far as benefits go, not many institutions offer retirement matching at all. As the benefit is very new, I ask for your patience as we work with individual faculty to ensure that all the administrative aspects are handled appropriately. If you do have any questions about the benefits or any other aspect of your postdoc experience, I am happy to work with you to find answers.
Our Mission
To enhance the Postdoctoral experience at Michigan State University providing leadership, support and structured training.
Contact Us
W101 Owen Graduate Hall
735 E. Shaw Lane
East Lansing, MI 48825